Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!

Somehow this feels like one of the first Easters in a long time that I've celebrated. This is not because a) I've had a religious reawakening, b) I decided that Santa and the Easter Bunny were finally real, c) The Peeps finally got to me. Rather it is because this country is founded upon the bank holiday and somehow Easter means a four day weekend.

Let me set it straight, bank holidays are notoriously rainy in Britain. We have had a beautiful spring thus far, with tulips blooming in Regent's Park, rollerbladers in Hyde Park, and plenty of frolicking to farmer's markets. Yet when it comes to a four day fest, the clouds roll in and the rain pours. This would normally be a perfect occasion to have a baking weekend. But instead, the boy and I are off to the Isle of Wight to return to what we do best (travelling!).

This isn't your standard Isle of Wight trip with seafood, tours of castles, feet in the sand- we are going to be cycling around as much as we can over the holiday weekend. Which means I need to add some extra padding to my bum fast -- chocolate.

In light of my first real celebration of Easter in Britian and the need for chocolate, I've taken on classic 'Easter Nests'. These treats are easy to make, probably quite fun for children (and aren't we all children at heart), and unite my love of breakfast food and chocolate.

Shredded Wheat or Rice based cereal (like Rice Krispies)
Milk Chocolate
Small chocolate eggs
(Optional: Golden Syrup)
1) Melt high quality milk chocolate over a double broiler. Depending on the type of chocolate and as a result, if the mixture is still rather thick add some golden syrup.
2) Crush the shredded wheat, otherwise add some rice based cereal to a bowl. Add chocolate. Start with a ratio of about 1 cup cereal to 100 grams (4 ounces of chocolate). Add additional chocolate or cereal until satisfied with the mixture. You want it it to be too chocolate-y (I promise there is a line) otherwise the nests will be too hard to eat.
3) Spoon the mixture into a lined muffin tray.
4) Add the chocolate eggs on top. (Yes, I know that Cadbury doesn't count as high quality chocolate, but they make a mean chocolate egg - spotty and everything!)
5) Allow to cool and harden. Enjoy!

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